Entries for October, 2006

When I was in first year, getting high grades was not exactly my concern. But last year, things changed and although it feels good to have high grades, it is making me feel miserable right now. The thing is, I don't know if I'll be able to do as well as I did last school year this time around. I had an exam last Wednesday and I swear, I guessed certain parts of it and I didn't hit the right answers. I know, it's just one subject but I am just so pressured to do so well in the other subjects so that I can maintain a high GWA. I just want to do well this semester, regardless of the reward I could get from my parents.

Currently listening to: A Promise (Chicosci)
Currently feeling: worried
Posted by Louie on October 3, 2006 at 09:32 AM | 2 comments
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