Entries for September, 2005

My mom and I recently had an argument. The reason for it is really shallow and lame. It all started when my mom promised me that I'll be getting a hair cut with the person who usually cuts our hair. When that particular day came, my mom sent me a text message saying that the person has to go somewhere and we'll have to go on another day. Alright. But when my mom came home, her first line was:"What do you think of my hair?" Great. She told me that we would go there another day, but she actually went there by herself. I was pissed and so I told her that she's unfair and yada-yada (kinda childish I know) until I said some nasty things which I wasn't supposed to say. She was really upset afterwards. And she told me things that moms (parents in general) usually say when they're upset and want to give their kids a lecture about how fortunate they are. She told me that when she was my age, things were different. She didn't usually get the stuff she wanted and apart from studying she had chores at home. She told me that it's not easy being a parent.

Ok. I'm guilty. I shouldn't have said nasty things to my mom because she's my mom. All the words just came out. And this is probably because during the times my mom got really pissed at me (and I was pissed too) and gave me lectures, I just listened and never explained my side. I mean, why bother when at the end of the discussion I'll still be the villain because I'm younger and she's older. She's my parent and she knows better. But is that always the case? It's unfair that when we kids commit mistakes, parents start scolding us and we have to apologize while when they are the ones who do wrong, we have no right to tell them that they're wrong and they don't even admit that they commit mistakes. They do not even apologize. Ok. My dad does. But the point is, even when they do, it happens so rarely.

I am not being anti-mom and dad. I love my folks. In fact, my mom and I are now cool. I said sorry for what I did. I just think that parents should not pretend to be perfect, because they're not. They commit mistakes too and they shouldn't always blame us kids.  In the same way that we respect them, they must respect us too. They shouldn't also complain about the things they've done for us because it's not something we kids asked for in the first place. The things that they've done for us and continue to provide for us are part of their responsibility as parents. They decided to become parents and so therefore they must fulfill their responsibilities.

Currently listening to: Cool---Gwen Stefani
Currently reading: The Indolence of The Filipinos
Currently feeling: working
Posted by Louie on September 3, 2005 at 01:56 AM | 6 comments

For some odd reason, I cannot send a text message even if I still have credits. I can receive text messages and make phone calls though. Everytime I try to send a text message, what pops on the screen is Check Operator Services. I already tried inserting my sim card to someone else's phone but I still can't text.

Currently feeling: confused
Posted by Louie on September 15, 2005 at 10:53 AM | 2 comments
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